Friday, November 2, 2007


Well, I'm going to have to figure out how to post pictures on this thing. I got 10 inches cut off my hair last night and am donating it one of those charities that make wigs for women and children with medical baldness. I'm not sure if I'm going to send it to Locks of Love or the one that Pantene is sponsoring. If any one knows anything about either of these let me know. My hair has been the same for 7 years so this is a big drastic change for me. I haven't cried and I'm over the shaking now. In fact, I even like it.


Jett said...

Pictures are great. If you've got them on the computer, it is pretty easy to add them to a post. Just click the "Add Image" icon and browse for the image file.

Locks for Love would be my vote. Non-profits need all the support they can get.

How has bike commuting been going?

Neal said...

Hey Lorna,

Yes....please post pics!

Good work at the Duathlaon BTW....way to hang!
