Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Loving something that you're not very good at

I love Orienteering. I am not very good at Orienteering.
This past weekend was the Georgia Orienteering clubs' meet at Cochran Mill Park. This meet was the third anniversary of my first orienteering experience and while I'm certainly better than I was on that first outing, I still struggle. Mostly with the scale of things. First I'll over-estimate the distance, way overshoot the point, then on the next one I over-correct by not going far enough. I'm also not very fast. Without other people around me spurring me on I tend to get a little distracted by the woods 'Oh I see a turtle' and forget that I'm actually supposed to be doing this for a good time, clock time that is. I always have a good time, enjoyment that is. Oh well, the Orienteering season is young. Lot's of opportunity for improvement.

1 comment:

running42k said...

I did a couple of orienteering races with a friend and loved it. It was also so laid back, a $5 entry fee and at the end hot chocolate and cookies. It is running and having to think at the same time.