Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mean Atlanta Streets

Well, my efforts to become a bike commuter keep going. I have ridden my bike to work for 5 days in a row! Of course it hasn't been without incident. I think the one that annoyed me the most was yesterday morning when I was cut off by a driver and had to take quick evasive action to to the sidewalk to avoid being hit. Then had the pleasure of being scolded by a man walking his dog. Come on, I know that "the side WALK is for walkers, NOT bicycles". I was trying to not get hit by a car! I believe that his scolding would have been better directed at the driver of the car to "Share the Road".
On my way home tonight I met up with an acquaintance and neighbour of mine, Mike. It sure made the ride go by quickly to have some company.
I've been reading a few Toronto cyclist blogs the last couple of weeks.
Any Atlanta bike commuting bloggers out there?


Jett said...

I know a few bike commuters and I'm glad I found your blog. Or rather, that you found my blog. On my blogroll for Atlanta Intown Cycling, you can find "Atlanta by Bike" and atlantalarry. "Bike Year" is from Savannah so he's a Georgia Bike Commuter.

On the SBL forum, there are a few, and I've got several I ride with on group rides that also commute, but they don't publish a blog about their commute.

Thanks for stopping by. Keep on riding and posting.

running42k said...

As a fellow bike commuter, cycle on sister, and be careful out there.